Category: Common Concerns

A Guide to Socializing Your Homeschooler

When it comes to homeschooling, building social skills are a big deal. Read on for a list of 20 ways to socialize homeschoolers. We’ll also talk about the differences between homeschool and public school socialization, as well address the question of whether homeschooling negatively impacts a child’s ability to interact with others.

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Are Homeschoolers Lonely? (We find out)

Homeschoolers are not any more lonely than public school children. Homeschoolers have the same types of interactions with people in the world as public-schooled children do. It is often a misconception that homeschoolers are lonely due to the idea that homeschoolers will miss out on social activities.

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Can Homeschooling Cause Depression? (We find out)

There is no direct evidence linking homeschooling and depression. Depression is a complex mental health issue, and there are no studies suggesting that homeschooling alone impacts mental health, either positively or negatively. Let’s dive deeper into the relationship between homeschooling and depression. We’ll explore the overall notion of how homeschooling impacts the student’s mental health and what you can do to help.

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The How Now universe is a series of sites designed to help you live, learn, and grow! Across our sites, articles are written or chosen by our handpicked team in each field.

Looking for information on homeschooling? Our content has been chosen by someone who actually home-schooled their children.

Looking for information on writing? Our content was compiled by actual editors and published authors.